Martin Britz - Invictus Guitar (KONTAKT)
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- Category: Vst Instruments
- Last Updated on Thursday, 13 February 2020 07:52
- Hits: 6018
Martin Britz Invictus Guitar is a library of electric guitars with two instruments: one with an untreated guitar, the other with an amplifier processing and containing about 5.7 GB. samples each has, an extended pattern editor, a set of key switches for different sounds and much more. Invictus Guitar library consists of more than 3500 individual records. Each of these records was edited manually to create approximately 1790 double samples.
Tru-Urban Speaker Buster 808 and Analog Synth Bass
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- Category: Vst Instruments
- Last Updated on Thursday, 18 October 2018 09:42
- Hits: 6939
Tru-Urban Speaker Buster 808 and Analog Synth Bass is a Melodic 808 Bass Machine. Immerse yourself in a world of 808 bass tuned just as accurately as a piano and ready to add power and character to your track. From the classic 808, to the ridiculous - all in "Speaker Buster".
Download: Tru-Urban Speaker Buster 808 and Analog Synth Bass
Bolder Sounds - Electric Sitar (KONTAKT)
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- Category: Vst Instruments
- Last Updated on Saturday, 13 March 2021 12:15
- Hits: 5732
Bolder Sounds - Electric Sitar is a sample libraries. Electric Sitar has a distinct and unique voice. The mic samples really make this sample library unique. They give this instrument a very animated top end with the result being a bit of a acoustic-electric hybrid, giving us a closer emulation of a real sitar.
Joey Sturgis Drums - Miles McPherson Drums (KONTAKT)
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- Category: Vst Instruments
- Last Updated on Friday, 29 April 2022 10:48
- Hits: 6815
Joey Sturgis Drums - Miles McPherson Drums is a library of recorded, edited and mixed drum samples for the Native Instruments "Kontakt" platform. The collection includes two sets of samples: a set of Yamaha and 1972 Rogers recorded at the Starstruck studio, each of which is performed by the famous drummer Miles McPherson (Kelly Clarkson, Paramore).
Download: Joey Sturgis Drums - Miles McPherson Drums (KONTAKT)
Gothic Instruments - Sculptor Epic Risers (KONTAKT)
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- Category: Vst Instruments
- Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 November 2017 19:04
- Hits: 5480
Gothic Instruments - Sculptor Epic Risers are sounds that begin with a low tone and end with a high and add instant excitement in the tracks of any genre. Sculptor Epic Risers is a library of stunning ups and downs that will add endless variety to your tracks. Epic Risers is a very useful instrument for provoking anticipation or falling, highlighting empty items, creating transitions, and much more.
Download: Gothic Instruments - Sculptor Epic Risers (KONTAKT)