F9 Audio - F9 Origins: 60 Old School Pianos (MIDI, WAV, KONTAKT)


F9 Audio - F9 Origins: 60 Old School Pianos a limited series of club-ready piano sounds from F9 Audio collection. This instrument is perfect for club music and a chord fill. F9 Audio - Electric Funk Instruments (KONTAKT)

Download:F9 Audio - F9 Origins: 60 Old School Pianos (MIDI, WAV, KONTAKT)

Atom Hub - Ghosts Of Autumn (KONTAKT)


Atom Hub - Ghosts Of Autumn for NI KONTAKT is a unique generator of dark sound environments. Its 25 patches, each of which is equipped with 8 layers loaded with picturesque samples of autumn sound, instantly create an eerie, disturbing, but at the same time dreamy and serene atmosphere. 

Download: Atom Hub - Ghosts Of Autumn (KONTAKT)

Performance Samples - CON MOTO – CELLOS (KONTAKT)


Performance Samples - CON MOTO - CELLOS (KONTAKT) is a string library recorded with movement in sustain, legato and attack.
The bowed sustain offers continuously expressed vibrato and emotions through approaches to performance and editing. resonating attack notes and carefully prepared release samples obtained from musical performance units turn into a game that provides a smooth change in the length of notes, similar to previous Performance Samples libraries. Performance Samples - Oceania. Performance Samples - Caspian.

Download: Performance Samples - CON MOTO – CELLOS (KONTAKT)

Native Instruments - Straylight v1.5.0 (KONTAKT)


Native Instruments - Straylight v1.5.0 (KONTAKT) combines specialized grain and sampling modules with carefully selected sound sources, effects, and a powerful, performance-based X-Y modulation matrix that provides inspirational dynamic response and sound design. Previous version: Native Instruments - Straylight (KONTAKT)

Download: Native Instruments - Straylight v1.5.0 (KONTAKT)

Echo Sound Works X Grand Piano (KONTAKT)


Echo Sound Works X Grand Piano for KONTAKT is a perfect piano for the modern Pop, Hip Hop and EDM Producers. Incredible staging of the finished sound, a user-friendly graphical interface with simple but effective controls. There are probably more sample piano libraries than any other type of library, but there are none like the X Grand. 

Download: Echo Sound Works X Grand Piano (KONTAKT)


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