Sound Aesthetics Sampling - Autumn Choirs (KONTAKT)


Sound Aesthetics Sampling - Autumn Choirs library contains dusty and dirty drones and textures. While you can use sounds right out of the box, you can also create interesting rhythms, pulses, sweeps and much more, using just morpher. 

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Autumn Choirs library also includes an extensive collection of presets (160+) where we really maimed sounds and took advantage of the tool's engine.

MAIN INTERFACE: The library is built on a two-layer engine, so you can easily mix the two sounds together and configure the settings for each separately. The interface gives you full control of the ADSR and has a master section where you can set the stereo width, the filter (LP), the output gain and the position in the panorama. There is also a Motion Effect that will allow you to create kinetic sounds; Also available for each layer separately.
MORPHER: This is the core of the engine. You can use it to create changing rhythms or just to turn one sound into another, as a sort of kind of LFO effect. You can also set only its range without having to activate the sequencer, if you want to convert through your Modwheel or something else. You can even load the sequencer presets via the download and save buttons.
EFFECTS STAND: Includes reverb, phaser, delay, LoFi, convolution, distortion, flanger, chorus and equalizer. It is divided into three tabs.

160+ Kontakt patches (.nki)
62 samples (Most 48khz / 24bit)
12 custom IRs
592 MB (ncw compressed from 776 MB of raw data)


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